Thank You for Your Compassion and Care During Our Time of Need

To the Volunteers of Chesed 24/7,

We’d like to express our heartfelt הכרת הטוב to the entire staff of dedicated volunteers who helped us in our time of need.

While spending a few weeks in Westchester Hospital with our baby who was in critical condition, we immensely appreciated the tremendous חסד you displayed. You delivered daily warm, fresh suppers to our room that kept us nourished in our hectic time. The homemade שבת meals lavishly, and lovingly prepared down to the last detail infused our room with a שבתדיק feel. We can only imagine the כחות, time, and organization that goes into all the arrangements – !מי כעמך ישראל

“הקב”ה ישלם שכר פעלתכם כפלי כפלים מתוך בריאת הגוף והרחיות הדעת”

ברגשי הכרת הטוב – The Cohen Family!

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